"Among Green Islands" by Nate Pritts

I wake to an unnaturally loud noise            insects in summer            a sharpened trillintense in the damp airwhich is otherwise floodedwith the scent of grass                                       & nostalgic light.I type out all the things that I feelput the words down                                     in pixels on the screen.I ignore the local fire in my wrists& when I sleep                           I sleep with my palms out.When I wake I have to coax the feeling back.There is a process to it allwhich you can understandif you apply the right pressureto the narrative. Eventuallyyou realizeany transition                           you might engineerbreaksthat your only choiceis to abandon the tetherthat holds you.So you let go.                           It is a glorious day.

Nate Pritts is the Director and Founding Editor of H_NGM_N (2001), an independent publishing house that started as a mimeograph ‘zine. He is also the author of seven books of poetry, most recently Right Now More Than Ever (2013) and the forthcoming Post Human. Nate lives in the Finger Lakes region of NY state.


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